Mutual aid,
When we talk about commitment, we're not just talking about communication. Some of the sections are really exposed, the trails are sometimes very technical and the cumulative altitude difference is generally around 10,000 m for the 4 stages.
However, many of you underestimate these real difficulties and don't arrive prepared or don't have the level required for this event. We are fully booked within 3 hours, 6 months before the event, and we are not looking to recruit at any price. Our aim is to have participants who can cope with the technical and physical demands of the routes, as well as the rusticity of the bivouacs. The raid is also a return to basics, a way of reconnecting with our environment without the luxury and pomp. Living in a group for 4 days is a great way to meet new people, with bivouacs on campsites or in natural areas under canvas, and organic, locally sourced meals.
We are convinced, as organizers, that our event is fantastic. We do not claim, unlike some, that it is the most beautiful raid in Europe, firstly because that would be very presumptuous and we are far from having run all the raids on our continent, to allow ourselves this kind of declaration. The success of the registrations, the glowing feedback from competitors, the commitment of our loyal partners to our side... confirms us in our orientations and through these few lines, we hope that you will get a better idea of what we offer .